Hedeby pants

Hedeby pants

Ткацкая мастерская OldCraft · 14 August 2024 at 14:47

Historical note

15 fragments of fabric that probably remain from baggy trousers were found in Hedeby

Pic. 1. Die Textilfunde aus der Siedlung und aus den Gräbern von Haithabu: Beschreibung und Gliederung 1991, K. Wachholtz

These fragments have sizes ranging from 0.7x1.0 cm and 3.0x15.0 cm and were made of very fine wool fabric of linen weave. The fabric itself was some kind of crepe dyed green or blue. The exact shape of the trousers can be determined only partially. However, there is no doubt that the fragments belonged to a single garment, because at least some of them have a very similar outline and also have similar damage. Moreover, some of them were probably sewn together, because the corresponding pieces, despite all the damage and crumpling, still have matching thread directions. The edges of the fragments are wavy, probably because the fabric was already wrinkled when cutting of the garment parts took place.

Identifying the remains as baggy trousers was possible mainly due to the fact that the fabric of the garment was found in folded layers of varying quality that were sewn together.

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